Amazing "syndicate" secret method finally revealed.
Makes it virtually impossible for you to do anything but WIN! ... ONLY if
you are one of the first 350 people who "One month from today, you will be up to $4,750.00
richer, |
Dear Friend, Have you ever noticed that whenever the phone rings after about 10 o’clock, it’s rarely good news? Well, it happened to me again the other night. It was about 11:45, and I had just drifted off to sleep. I was more than just startled by the ringing of my phone -- I was scared to death of the news the call might bring. The voice on the other end of the line was weak and gravelly, but it was still unmistakably that of an old acquaintance of mine who I’ll call “Mr. X.” I’m not trying to be secretive here, but because of his “questionable” ties, it’s just best that he remain unidentified. Sure enough, when he told me the reason for his call, a chill shot up and down my spine as I considered the ramifications. Mr. X is
dying. But before he “checks out”, he wants to spill the beans on how his
legendary gambling syndicate won $22 million ... and how you can use his
secret to get rich too!
Mr. X’s “Ban-Upp Syndicate” was the biggest and most successful gambling ring ever created. By all accounts, they legally “stole” more than $22 million in cash from lotteries in every state ... in just 2 years. Rumor was that their system was so powerful, THEY ALMOST NEVER LOST. That’s the only way to explain how they made so much money so fast. The Ban-Upp syndicate was shut down for good a few years ago when two of its three main partners mysteriously died. Mr. X is the only one left, and he just found out he doesn’t have long to live. Mr. X called me because of my reputation in lottery circles. He asked if I would help him share the secret of Ban-Upp’s multi-million-dollar success with a few worthy people before it gets buried with him. Naturally I couldn’t refuse a friend’s dying wish. And because of
the interest you’ve shown in lottery winnings,
-- Free lottery cash for a NEW CAR ... -- Free lottery cash for FABULOUS JEWELRY ... -- Free lottery cash for a DREAM VACATION ... -- Free lottery cash for a NEW HOUSE! |
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There’s only one catch: Mr. X. gave me strict instructions that only the first 350 people who respond are serious enough and worthy enough to have his system. That means YOU MUST CLICK HERE NOW or call (609) 443-0793 TODAY ... or you may lose out!
You really can virtually win every game and make $$ thousands fast!
Until now, the secret behind what makes the Ban-Upp Lottery System an idiot-proof way to become filthy rich was as tightly guarded as Fort Knox. I am the first person outside the "family" to ever get a look at it.
And I have to say, I’ve never seen anything like it!
The way this system combines mathematics and probability to automatically pick winning numbers for any Pick 3, Pick 4, Pick 5 and even Mega lottery games again and again is INGENIOUS! Let me explain ...
Mr. X told me it took nearly a million bucks to figure out, but the Ban-Upp System is based on the discovery of a numerical phenomenon called "Multiple Game Sequencing" (MGS).
MGS proves that the key to winning virtually every lottery game you play ... over and over again ... is the "sequence" of the numbers’ appearance in particular games. But you don’t have to give a second thought to all that technical stuff.
The proven money-making power of the Ban-Upp system almost makes winning automatic. You just play the numbers the system picks for you, then collect hundreds to thousands of dollars practically every day.
Imagine how much better your life will be ... and how much happier you’ll feel if there’s ...
No more burying yourself in credit card debt ...
No more borrowing from friends & family ...
No more scraping by paycheck-to-paycheck ...
and most importantly ... No more doing without what you need and deserve!
Numbers don’t lie. With the Ban-Upp System harnessing the full power of MGS, you have no choice but to practically collect cash from a winning ticket one to three times every three games.
That’s why the Ban-Upp syndicate made so much money -- THEY ALMOST NEVER LOST 3 GAMES IN A ROW! And neither will you! Using the Ban-Upp System the WORST you can do is virtually win 1/3 of every game you play.
Since each win could be up to THOUSANDS of dollars ... and since the Ban-Upp system can help you win many times every month ... you could soon have all the money you’ve ever dreamed about -- and more! I’m talking enough to ...
First Users Are Already
![]() "I know you read a lot of testimonials with terms like ‘amazing!’ and ‘incredible!’ but those were exactly the same words I used when I first tried Ban-Upp Method. I know it sounds clichéd but it really worked wonders. Today, I can’t imagine life without it. It is, without a doubt, the one system I’ll keep coming back to again and again!" Tammy S., NC
"You wouldn’t believe what a difference Ban-Upp Method has made for me. Who would have thought a simple lottery system could do so much? I can fully recommend it, not just because it’s easy to follow and simple to use, but because the people behind it are as kind and helpful as anyone you’d ever meet. It’s like a breath of fresh air" Thomas L., FL
"I’ve got to admit, when I first heard about Ban-Upp Method, I thought ‘oh no, another lottery system?’ But after doing some research, your product just seemed like the right choice. Now, I’m enjoying tremendous results and I have Ban-Upp Method to thank for it! You are the best!" Susan K., NY |
You must be one of the first 350 to respond. Don't miss out!
Even if you’ve never played a lottery before in your life, you can have thousands of dollars almost instantly.As a mathematician and lottery expert, I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything that makes winning this easy. You don’t need a computer, a calculator, or even a first grade education to win over and over again. The Ban-Upp Lottery System does everything for you. Just write down a few numbers, and Ban-Upp automatically cranks out winning numbers like cash flying out of a crazed ATM. Winning really is as simple as buying your tickets and just waiting for the drawing. Because you practically KNOW you WILL be cashing them in! How much would you "invest" if you were GUARANTEED to make up to $4,750.00 or more within the next 30 days?Even if you had to pay $4,000, you’d be a fool not to take the deal. It would be like throwing away $750. Now what if I said you wouldn’t pay even 2 percent of that for the same guaranteed $4,750 or more? That’s a real no-brainer! And that’s exactly the deal Mr. X has authorized me to make with you! If you are one of the first 350 who click here NOW, you get the complete Ban-Upp Lottery System for only $60 ($57 fee + $3 shipping)! That really is an offer you can’t refuse! And that’s not all!
To YOUR fortune ... and to Mr. X’s generosity,
Tony Barrucci |
P.S. FAST REPLY BONUS! Click here today, and Mr. X told me to also throw in the syndicate’s special guide called "How to Secretly WIN an Easy $500 a Day at Casino Slots!" It’s yours FREE, along with the 5 other FREE BONUS REPORTS. And they’re all yours to keep a copy of, even if you return the Ban-Upp Lottery System for a full refund of your fee. ALL YOURS FREE! Don’t delay and miss out. Click here right now or call (609) 443-0793!